jade pope
a prodigy delving into themes of intimacy and affection, crafting a distinctive genre-blending sound that traverses eras and is poised to shape the evolution of underground music.
starting to produce and write music at just 10 years old, not•XxXay•ne grew up in atlanta, where the city's vibrant culture deeply influenced his production style. relocating to california expanded his musical palette, integrating diverse influences and experiences. this blend of early roots and varied environments allows not•XxXay•ne to replicate and innovate across different time periods in his music.
not•XxXay•ne blends the vibrant, eclectic artistry of tyler, the creator with cryptic lyricism, offering a rich tapestry of meaning in every song. channeling donald glover’s cinematic style and spiritual depth, he combines intense visual storytelling with profound soundscapes. inspired by brockhampton’s gritty production and inventive color grading, not•XxXay•ne reflects a dynamic, experimental spirit. embracing kevin abstract’s creativity, he merges autotuned vocals with raw, live instrumentals, creating a distinctive fusion of alternative styles.